Inspections are carried out in order to prevent undocumented travel agency activities and illegal license plate use within the scope of the relevant provisions of the Travel Agencies and Travel Agencies Union Law No. 1618.

During the inspections, it has been determined that the plates given to Travel Agencies for their own use are becoming more common by persons or organizations that are not travel agencies.

In this direction, our announcement dated 20.12.2021 about the license plates to be issued to travel agencies for their own use in order to prevent undocumented travel agency activity and illegal license plate use is available at the link below.

With the new regulation made in addition to this announcement, plate request applications are examined by the commission established within the Union in terms of the compatibility of the requested plates with the travel agency needs. Plate payments will be made after the plate commission examines the application received and approves the number of plates.


Thanks to this announcement, I hope everyone gets their feet together and a conscious sector is formed. There must be innovations in many subjects so that everyone who comes before them should support and participate in the sector by being conscious in the field of education and capital before becoming a part of the sector. It should be demanded to increase such controls in unity and solidarity. Thus, professionalism will emerge in the tourism sector. Ayas Tourism is always supportive of such activities.

For detailed information, please visit the link below...!